California from Portland Oregon

One of the best things about living in the United States is the fact that you can more or less see every kind of temperature and every form of climate in the one country. When we first decided to head out and see more of America in recent weeks, we know that we would be setting off from Portland, Oregon. We were unsure of where to go and what would be the easiest place to get started, so we eventually settled on going somewhere very different from Portland – and so we chose to go and visit California!

Setting off from the brilliant city itself we packed our bags and made sure we had ample access to snacks, drinks and entertainment for the guests in the vehicle for the trip. After all, keeping a group happy in the back seat can be tough work when you are on the road for so long!

We set off from Portland and eventually drove to the Napa Valley. We stopped to marvel at its incredible look and style, taking photos and a few snaps of each couple in front of the landmarks around the place. Afterward, we spent the night at the popular Napa Winery Inn – this is a great little place to stay and would recommend it to anyone who is on the path to California from Portland. Cost-effective and friendly, the staff made us feel truly welcome before we set off again, when we enjoyed a truly exceptional breakfast.

Once we were up and ready to go again, we headed for the Bouchon Bakery in Napa. The food here was absolutely amazing and made the perfect breakfast for what was sure to be a rather long and draining day heading through the sun and getting to enjoy the rather extensive weather along the way.

After we left, we made a point of driving around Napa – for logical purposes as well as so the kids could enjoy some truly awesome scenery along the way. We stopped along the way at the V. Sattui Winery for a spot of lunch along the way, making sure we all could enjoy a fantastic lunch.

We eventually reached our spot and quickly realized upon arrival that the food here was just as good as back at the Bouchon; these people really do know how to eat awesome food! There’s something about the food on this journey already that was really making us appreciate the culinary tastes of the rest of the nation.

Feeling the heat and with tiredness beginning to set in, we made a short detour from our position to the Napa Valley Coffee Roasting Company, as well as the Castello di Amorosa. Both provided us with an ample selection of awesome food and drink to take in, letting everyone fuel up on their chosen selections, before we were ready to hit the road together once again. The quality and consistency of the food – and coffee – was something to marvel, really proving our earlier suspicions right.

After this, we started to make the long drive from San Francisco over to the Club Quarter. We were really looking forward to this as the Club Quarter came across as one of the best places to be for this kind of event – we were all heading on such a unique trip we wanted everyone to really have some fun along the way. One of the major benefits of taking this route, though, was that it allowed the trpi itself to be a lot of fun as we were able to get out and exercise a little after a long drive.