Call Of Duty Black Ops III Review

Call Of Duty Black Ops III Review


If first-person-shooter simulations are on your gaming agenda, Call of Duty Black OPS III is definitely for you. This is the 12th edition of the all-time favorite Call of Duty franchise, developed by Treyarch. The video game has received thumbs-up from avid gamers however; some say it has nothing novel to offer. Nonetheless, the game provides ample entertainment to maintain what Call of Duty series is known for.

The Black Ops III was released on November 06, 2015 and has been distributed by Activision for Microsoft Windows, Xbox One and PlayStation 4. A multiplayer limited version has also been released for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.


Welcome to 2065! This is the year when the warriors mostly consist of drones and robots, but there is still some room left for humans who have been cyber-natically modified. Having the most shocking beginning where a robotic creature rips your arms right off, you as a player get a set of new mechanical hands and computerized implantation called Direct Neural Interface (DNI) in your head to track your enemy. DNI also allows users to communicate with other Call of Duty Black OPS members. There you go; you are back in the game! Though the makers have made an attempt to instill a gripping storyline in this latest offering, it is mostly the same person shooter game. The multiplayer option is quite addictive which will hold the interest of gamers, and not to forget the addition of zombies which is becoming a part of this franchise. Another added feature is that you can now fully customize your players including looks, weapons and cyber abilities. This installment also comes with four player enabled game-play which is a high point. After all the more, the merrier!

Graphics and Sound Design

The production quality is yet again high with good detailing provided to graphics quality. There is a new momentum based movement system through which you experience smoother movements throughout the provided landscapes. The maps have been totally re-vamped to offer you fluidity and traditional movement as well as advanced tactics. You have more freedom to move about in battlefields, which is a welcome change.

The sound quality is fine with usual stamp of loud gun blasts, however this may get a bit uncomfortable since some enemies (who just happen to come up from nowhere) are required to be shot multiple times. In addition, there are a few issues with sound continuity, reported by some players.


  • Accessible on multiple platforms
  • Fluidity in player movements
  • Added cyber power provides a new experience
  • Zombies provide an entertaining factor
  • Four player multiplayer environment


  • Sound breaking in some sequences
  • Multiple twists in the campaign which lack cohesion
  • Bad dialogue addition


The popular franchise Call of Duty has certainly achieved with Black OPS III what it was aiming for – capture the interest of first person shooter enthusiasts with its signature styling. The competitive play with enhanced multiplayer options will surely make it a favorite of gamers for quite some time. Though a better campaign was expected this time around, which would have not been such a rollercoaster ride, nonetheless, the avid gamers will surely love this one too.

