Video Games in 2024 Paris Olympics

There are a lot of speculations over the idea that video games might become a part of the 2024 Olympics especially after the teaser of 2020 showed Pac-man and Mario as one of the games that would be included in the 2020 Olympics. As per sources, the co-President of the Paris Olympic committee is stated to have said that he plans onto to talk to the official of the International Olympic Committee regarding the inclusion of video games to the Paris Olympics that will take place in 2024. The co-President of the Paris Olympic Committee is also stated to have said that in order to maintain the legitimacy of the games over the years and in order for it to attract the fans at a global level hence video games should be incorporated. He believes that its not just about Olympics right now and that we have to maintain our image globally but it is about making sure that the audience remains intact and they remain a part of our games.

The final decision of what type of games would be included in the Olympics of 2024 would be decided in 2020 Olympics as at that point the concerned officials will interact with the people and the stakeholders to see what their stance is. Over the years the number of esport fans have increased and hence the video games have managed to enter the mainstream gaming industry. Even the sports network has started to air its video game tournaments and this has allowed them to earn huge chunk of money. Hence the Olympics committee has decided to make sure that they seize a share of the viewers that are into epsorts i.e. 145 million people this year.

Estanguet said,” “We have to look at [eSports] because we can’t say, ‘It’s not us. It’s not about Olympics,’ ” Estanguet told the AP. “The youth, yes they are interested in eSport and this kind of thing. Let’s look at it. Let’s meet them. Let’s try if we can find some bridges.”

The co-president has not disclosed as yet that what kind of sports or games would be included and what games might comprise of medal events. However, through the idea of introducing esports a precedent has been set to include such games into major sport competitions.

The Asian games also decided to introduce the esports in the exhibition of the event before the esports are included in the official program of 2022. The organizers of the game have decided to enter a total of four games i.e. Dota 2, Star Craft II and other sports games have yet to be decided. Hence over the years the Dota 2 has emerged and has managed to make its own place in the mainstream. The largest Dota competition would be held in Seattle and its planning to offer a total of $25 million of prize money and it includes a total of $11 million prize for the team that wins. The winning team needs to have a total of 5 members. However, at the level of Olympics such prices are not offered but medals are surely given to the winning team and hence medals are considered to be more valuable and prestigious.

If the sports wish to become an Olympic event then the sport should have the capacity to demonstrate the idea or essence of being an international organization and hence should also include a governing body that makes sure the games are governed in a proper manner.