Call of Duty Infinite Warfare Review

Call of Duty‘s 13th Installment is Well Received Worldwide

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is the 13th installment in the CoD series. Developed by Activision, it is a first-person shooter video-game released on November 4th, 2016. The game is available across all the three major gaming platforms – Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Microsoft Windows.


The Infinite Warfare is set in space offering new game mechanics and a zero-gravity environment. Space combat is its main feature; however, you will be able to switch from space to earth. You will also experience the central world called Retribution. Play through the missions, secondary quests and go through new items and stories to launch an attack on enemy’s ships. CoD Infinite Warfare offers several cooperative and multiplayer modes featuring a Zombie mode for the first time. These game modes feature unique mechanic and storyline.


The graphics are not as catchy as the other Call of Duty installments, but they are still good enough to complement the gameplay.


Infinite Warfare is a new take on the Call of Duty game series. A remastered version of Modern Warfare is also released, adding to the overall cost. However, it has been received well by fans all over the world. It also features high tech gadgets and space battleships to keep you hooked to the game. The Call of Duty, Infinite Warfare is worth giving a go for all first person shooter fans.

HomeBleachers disclosure of receiving “consideration” from Activision