Kershaw Dividend Knife Review

When it comes to using Portland-made products, one item that can be easier to find than others are quality equipment for cutting. Knives in particular are a popular Portland-made product, and you can find a gluttony of wonderful knives just waiting for you if you are willing to put in the work and the effort to find the perfect knife for you.

One knife that is gaining a lot of popularity at the moment, though, is the Kershaw Dividend. Designed with a cool slimness that ensures it looks slick even when being used, it’s a fantastic and affordable model that makes the ideal kind of pocket knife.

Strong and sturdy even with an impressive durability to it, this knife is one for both veterans and beginners. It offers the easiest possible way for you to enjoy a pocket knife that is going to carry a depth and security within the make-up of the blade. No worries exist with this blade about it coming loose or causing you countless problems with regards to the sharpness of the blade.

So, what makes this such a good purchase for everything from those who like to be prepared to up and coming huntsmen?

Strong and Sturdy

The blade itself is very sharp – which obviously should be very important. The blade that you get to use with this is very sharp, with a fantastic solidity to the blade itself. It’s not just sharp enough to cut or sharpen. It’s also solid. The knife is not going to be going anywhere when you use it, offering a strong and sturdy solution that you can easily make the most of.

This is a blade that carries a personality as well as a precision. Want a blade that is going to last regardless of the task? Then this is one worth adding to the list.

Great Feel

Another important factor is the fact that it feels so easy to grip. The smart build-up of the handle itself allows it to easily be used to offer a much greater level of grip and control than similarly priced models. This should make you find it nice and easy to get used to using this knife. It’s not likely to come out of your hand or make it harder for you to control the knife, as it’s designed in a masterful style that is going to make sure it stays well within your grip even when you are engaged in more physical activities than you might be used to.

Locally Made

Lastly, this knife is made in Portland, so you know that you can get easy support from a local company if anything goes wrong. Manufacturing standards in Portland are massive, though, so you can be pretty certain that the knife you are buying is going to be as safe as you would have hoped for.

A locally made and well managed knife is a must for anyone who wants to make any outdoors activities easier than ever before – you just need to know where to start. With this knife, you’ve got a pretty decent starting point.

Image Courtesy of Kershaw ©