Government Camp in Oregon

Government Camp ©HomeBleachers

Having finally had the chance to head over to the Government Camp in Oregon, we got the chance to take part in something pretty special. Not only was the resort an exceptionally enjoyable place to spend time, but it also was a wonderfully educational experience. We found it really easy to get to grips with the people here, and the resort itself offered plenty of activities and items to enjoy that made settling in so incredibly simple.

However, one thing we did notice was that at the Grand Lodge, the snow was so intense. This year, we were informed that the snow was so consistent that it made up for a record level of snowfall in the area across a 15-year spell. It certainly told, as the place was like a total whiteout!

Not only did this add to the drama and the beauty of the area but it also went a long way to making sure that the Government Camp in Oregon could offer the right kind of atmosphere. We came here to take a look at a winter location that could offer that picturesque and beautiful opportunity. I found that, having spent much time here, the camp done just exactly that. The stunning snowfall just added to the background of beauty that made the whole area feel so impressive.

Overall, the Grand Lodge was one of the best parts of the trip. Welcoming, grandiose and enjoyably professional, we found that spending our team here was a wonderfully simple experience. With so much to enjoy and appreciate about the Grand Lodge, from the regal interior to the wide range of amenities, we found it offered an easy way to settle into the atmosphere of the region.

However, we also spent some time at the Mt. Hood Meadows Ski Resort.

The resort itself was wonderful – it made it very easy to settle into the region and to engage in such an engrossing activity. The landscape itself is perfect for this kind of feature so I found it very easy to feel at home in such an environment. Indeed, one thing I found that was pretty prominent when we spent time at the Ski Resort was the atmosphere.

Everyone we met was so friendly, from the staff to other people who were coming to take a look at the Resort itself. This made it very easy to settle in and enjoy the people we met, ensuring we could appreciate and understand just how diverse and exciting this region was. For us, it was one of the best ways to enjoy this part of the country at its best.

Not only was the attention to detail and precision in the little things so impressive, but the extra work that has gone into making sure everything comes together was something we felt was extra special. This made a very enjoyable trip, and one that would be happily recommended to anyone looking to branch out and enjoy some fresh experiences.